Welcome to the Engineering Society!

Hello first year engineering students! We are the Engineering Society executives and we would like to welcome you to the school. EngSoc represents all undergraduate engineering students at Waterloo to the faculty, to the community and to external organizations; each student is a member of the society. We invite all of you to come get involved!

We offer many events and services throughout each term. Our big events include TalEng (talent show), semi-formal, Genius Bowl (trivia competition) and EngPlay. Services include therapeutic puppies, online exam/scholarship banks, resume critiques and a variety of technical and non-technical workshops. The calendar is available on this website and we would love to see you come out to all of these!

As executives, our job is to oversee the society and all of its governance. It’s always great to see first years getting involved so if you’re not sure how to do so you can send an email to executive.b@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca or come visit us in our office, CPH1327. We are also in the CPH foyer serving pancakes every Monday at lunch, so come and chat!

Good luck in first year!! We look forward to meeting all of you.

-Engineering Society B Executives: Hannah, Teresa, Kieran, Anson and Don