Notice of Joint Annual General Meeting

The first ever Joint General Meeting will be on Sunday July 5th at 10:30AM in CPH 3607. At Joint General Meeting every EngSoc member receives a vote, can submit motions, and can speak to issues that matter to them. This is the most important meeting of the Society of the year and it is important that we have a strong turnout of voters.

Agenda Items can be sent to David Birnbaum at and if you are unsure how to write a motion or what can be added to the agenda read through manual here:
Agenda items are due June 21st.

To get you even more excited for the meeting current agendas items include a complete restructure of the Executive, changes to the leadership award policy, removal of term general meeting, and Board of Directors Elections. Lunch will be served midway through the meeting and an ice cream/dessert bar will be provided at the end of the meeting.

If you cannot attend the meeting or know someone who cannot attend the meeting please submit a proxy form to the speaker ( at least 24 hours before the meeting. Proxy forms can be found here: Spring 2015 General Meeting Proxy Form

A copy of the audited financial statements for the Society can be found here: >These will be ratified at the Joint Annual General Meeting.

Any questions can be directed to Leila Meema-Coleman and Hannah Gautreau at

Thanks and see you all there!
Leila Meema-Coleman