Motion to Increase Number of Proxies for JAGM

With the last document restructure the summer Joint Council meeting was replaced with a Joint Annual General Meeting (JAGM). At this meeting every member of the Society, both A and B have a vote. Currently each member would be allowed to hold maximum one proxy in addition to their vote. This motion seeks to increase the limit to two proxies per person for all Joint General Meetings. The motivation behind the motion is to help ensure that those far away on coop who cannot attend the meeting are able to have their voice heard. By increasing the number of proxies, more people who cannot attend in person will still be able to vote.

The full text of the motion can be found below. This motion will be read at EngSoc Meeting #4 on November 5th and voted on at EngSoc Meeting #5 on November 19th.

 photo increaseproxies_zpse0bce08e.png

Leila Meema-Coleman
President A