Hi everyone!
Just a reminder that you can still sign up for this year’s Join Anual General Meeting!
TLDR: Engsoc’s Joint Annual General Meeting is occurring March 28th at 9:30 a.m. EST.
– Learn about the meeting content here: https://bit.ly/JAGM2021
– To attend or proxy your vote (so someone else can vote for you), register here: http://bit.ly/JAGMregistrationLink
– Join the zoom at this link: https://zoom.us/j/94743110038
On the 28th of March EngSoc will have our Joint Annual General Meeting (JAGM). JAGM is the one time a year that both societies get together to make a change, and we need your opinions and your voice! This JAGM will see motions about changes to Engineering Society student fees, renaming an award in honor of Professor Igor Ivkovic, and more!
If you cannot attend please consider proxying your vote to someone who is attending. This allows them to vote on your behalf, with your guidance. We will match you with someone if you don’t have a friend attending, so you don’t need to worry about finding someone to proxy to!
This helps us achieve a larger student vote – proxying takes less than a minute to do! Register or proxy here: http://bit.ly/JAGMregistrationLink