Director of the Week – Kacie LeBlanc

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Week of Oct 12 -18
Kacie LeBlanc
Women in Engineering Director

Kacie goes above and beyond to ensure the Women in Engineering Mentorship program is running as smoothly as possible. The WiE Mentorship program pairs up first year female engineering students with their upper year peers to help support them throughout their transition into university. There are currently over 150 female students signed up as mentees who were each personally grouped with their mentors by Kacie based on their programs and interests. So far, all of their events have gone really well, and Kacie is looking forward to the rest of her term in this role. Kacie has also been chosen to represent the University of Waterloo at the National Conference on Women in Engineering. Thank you for all your hard work!

*Each week the Engineering Society Carebear Directors will acknowledge one director or volunteer for their outstanding commitment to their position. This person will be chosen based on nominations from the Executive, Commissioners and fellow Directors. We would also like to take the time to thank each and every one of our volunteers for their dedication and contributions to the Society.