Director of the Month (March 2016)- Yugue Chen

For the month of March, our director of the month is Yugue Chen from 2020 Civil Engineering who is this term’s Genius Bowl Director.

Yugue was only hired as a Genius Bowl Director earlier in January, but the amount of work he has put into the event since then has been tremendous. He has single-handedly crafted the trivia questions, arranged for the logistics for the event and recruited volunteers to help out in the event.

This term’s Genius Bowl has seen 21 teams sign up, which has been the largest number of teams that the event has seen in recent times. This is purely due to Yugue’s clever and crafty marketing strategies, some of which has inspired the executive team with their event’s marketing strategies for the upcoming terms.

Not only has Yugue has taken the initiative to bring in new ideas to the event but he has also shown leadership skills when running the event.

Congratulations once again Yugue!

Each month the Engineering Society Carebear Director will acknowledge one director or volunteer for their outstanding commitment to their position. This person will be chosen based on nominations from all members. We would also like to take the time to thank each and every one of our volunteers for their dedication and contributions to the Society. If you would like to nominate an EngSoc director for running an amazing event or service, feel free to submit your nominations via this link:
