Director of the Month (January 2016)- Eric Shi

For the month of January, our director of the month is Eric Shi from 2017 Mechatronics Engineering who is directing Ridgidware, Student Deals and Career Fair this term.

Eric Shi has done a tremendous job in the first month of term (as well as the months leading up to the term) learning all about RidgidWare from all sources and trying to get everything organized. He has taken the initiative to search for new vendors to further benefit the students and attempt to reduce costs wherever possible. With the help of the other RidgidWare directors and volunteers, Eric was able to assist in the development of our very first Hardware Workshop, and has started the development of a series of workshops for the Fall term.

On top of all of that, Eric has been working very hard on Career Fair, and on the Student Deals program, all in the hopes to provide a service to as many students as possible. Eric definitely deserved the title of Director of the Month for all of his dedication and hard work that he puts into everything that he takes on, and has been a great help in allowing the Engineering Society to develop further.

Congratulations once again Eric!

Each month the Engineering Society Carebear Director will acknowledge one director or volunteer for their outstanding commitment to their position. This person will be chosen based on nominations from all members. We would also like to take the time to thank each and every one of our volunteers for their dedication and contributions to the Society. If you would like to nominate an EngSoc director for running an amazing event or service, feel free to submit your nominations via this link:


Eric Shi